Russian Technology

Compatibility of TESSA platform and Tantor DBMS confirmed

Tantor Labs (part of the Astra Group) and Sintellekt have completed a testing cycle, during which the compatibility of the TESSA ECM platform with the Tantor DBMS was confirmed. Based on the test results, the companies signed a compatibility certificate. This was reported to CNews by representatives of the Astra Group.

Tantor is a database management system developed on the basis of PostgreSQL, with increased performance and a built-in management and monitoring system. Tantor DBMS works in tasks of transactional and mixed load, allows full migration from solutions of foreign vendors, contains numerous improvements and optimizations of the kernel, additional modules and programs.

Compatibility of IT products allows the market to achieve higher efficiency in data processing and analysis, providing users with the ability to integrate analytical tools with data management, which in turn improves the performance of business processes and facilitates more informed decision-making. Correct operation of the TESSA platform and Tantor DBMS reduces the costs of implementing new technologies and simplifies employee training.

Both IT solutions are registered in the Register of Russian Software of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation and are suitable for solving import substitution problems.

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Document flow

“The new integration of TESSA with the Tantor DBMS solution will allow even more Russian companies to successfully solve import substitution problems in the field of automation of document-oriented processes of the organization in compliance with the requirements for the development of secure software,” she said. Julia GalliamovaHead of Product Solutions Department at Sintellect.

“In the context of growing demand for integrated IT solutions of domestic production, mutual compatibility of products is becoming a key factor in their successful integration. We actively cooperate with leading market players, including document management vendors, since automation of this process is an important and complex stage for any company. Combining the efforts of vendors will create a significant advantage for customers, allowing them to easily switch to domestic solutions through integration, which will help solve several problems simultaneously,” he noted. Kirill SinkovDirector of the Department for Work with Technology Partners of the Astra Group.


Vasundhara Mali

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