Integration with FinCERT enabled BPS Processeng to improve the quality of service and make transactions as secure as possible through highly effective work to prevent threats, promptly identify them and eliminate them. Moreover, the company has once again confirmed its compliance with all security requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and Russian legislation.
With the development of modern technologies and their active implementation, financial market participants have gained access to electronic payments. Many settlements today are made non-cash using secure protocols. This has allowed the circulation of counterfeit banknotes to be minimized, but has led to the emergence of new risks associated with the possible compromise of important data, its falling into the hands of intruders, and attacks involving malware.
The rules and procedure for conducting money transfers are regulated by Federal Law No. 161-FZ “On the National Payment System”. It is important for banks and other financial institutions that carry out operations in the field of e-commerce to promptly identify possible threats and respond to them promptly. To solve these problems, a special structural division of the Bank of Russia was created called FinCERT (FinCERT). On its basis, an information exchange system was formed that significantly simplifies the interaction of all participants in the financial market.
Features of the functioning of the ASOI FinCERT
Data is transferred to FinCERT using the automated incident handling system (AIOS). Using this information exchange channel allows us to solve several important tasks:
- provide an infrastructure for trusted interaction between system participants;
- monitor electronic media in order to detect information about impending computer attacks;
- automatically process incoming messages about incidents in the financial sector;
- create a database of vulnerability and other criteria;
- maintain an archive of the investigations carried out into incidents.
The interaction is organized as follows:
- participants in the information exchange system send information about incidents that pose a threat to financial security;
- FinCERT provides recommendations to effectively counter attacks and minimize risks.
This allows us to quickly detect threats and take action to eliminate them in the shortest possible time, thereby minimizing the losses of financial institutions and their clients.
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