YouTube is reportedly testing a new UI that will no longer display the publication date and number of views in the video list. Although the new UI does not necessarily mean that it will be officially introduced, it seems to be a big disadvantage that you will not be able to immediately tell whether the video is the latest one.
YouTube reportedly testing new homepage that removes dates and view counts – Dexerto
According to vidIQ, which develops YouTube analytics tools, YouTube is testing a UI that does not display the publication date and number of views. The video list displayed in recommendations and search results usually displays the video thumbnail, video title, number of days since the video was published, and number of video views. However, when looking at the screenshot published by vidIQ, the “number of days that have passed since the video was published” and “number of video views” are not displayed.
The video release date and number of views are also displayed on the playback page of each video, but it is unclear whether they will still be displayed on the playback page.
When YouTube tests a UI or service, it will be rolled out to a limited number of users, and then made available to users who are subscribed to the paid plan YouTube Premium before being made available to the public. Therefore, the new UI confirmed this time will not be reflected on YouTube immediately, but it is possible that the release date and number of views of a video will no longer be displayed in video lists such as recommendations and search results in the future.
On vitIQ’s post, while there were relatively positive comments about hiding the number of views, there were many negative comments about hiding the publication date.
“I think removing the view count is interesting, but I don’t agree with removing the publish date. If you’re looking for up-to-date information, you should check when the video was uploaded.”
Removal of view counts will be interesting but dates, I don’t agree with. If I’m looking for most recent/up to date information then I need to see when the video was uploaded..
— iiMacDonald (@iiMacDonald_) October 28, 2024
“I want to know how old the video is. I don’t care about the number of views, but if you’re looking for the latest information on something, you don’t want to watch a video from 6 years ago, right?”
I don’t like that. I want to see how old a video is. Viewcount doesn’t bother me, but if I’m looking for up-to-date information on something, I don’t want a 6 year old video , y’know?
— skpacman (@skpacman) October 28, 2024
“While it would be nice to see the release date, hiding the play count would allow for more creative results, freeing creators from the low ratings that plague their channels, and helping them reach the world more. We might start trying to spread it out.”
Dates would be nice, but not having view counts may lead to more creative output and creators trying to branch out a bit without the threat of a low view rate plaguing their channel.
— Jake Coasters (@jake_coasters) October 28, 2024
“It’s really beneficial for small creators. I see a lot of people skipping videos just because they don’t get a lot of views, and I don’t think this decision reflects the quality of the video. Eliminate views. That could really level the playing field a little bit.”
This could really benefit smaller creators. A lot of people skip videos just because of low views, which doesn’t reflect the quality imo. Taking out view counts might actually level the playing field a bit.
— Saurish Kapoor (@KapoorSaurish) October 28, 2024
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in Net Service, Posted by log1i_yk
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