Russian Technology

Novosibirsk Region Schools Switch to Alt Education. Master Classes Held for Teachers

Representatives of Bazalt SPO conducted master classes on the Alt Education operating system for teachers and school IT specialists. The master class program was compiled based on the results of a survey that the organizers of the congress had previously conducted among teachers in the region. Representatives of Bazalt SPO told CNews about this.

Oksana Neshkoleading specialist of the educational projects department of Basalt SPO, introduced teachers to the Alt Education operating system and programs for teaching various subjects that are already included in the OS or can be installed. She demonstrated: working with files and folders in the file manager; the capabilities of the Application Launcher Menu; two ways to install programs in the Alt OS – through the Synaptic package manager and the Application Center; several applications from the Educational section that interested the audience.

During the master class, Oksana Neshko explained how teachers can get help when working with the Alt Education OS. They have access to the open educational portal of the Alt Academy project with dozens of free courses, Telegram chats where teachers share experiences and help each other. Technical support can be obtained from Galex, a partner of Basalt SPO. System administrators and IT specialists can undergo training at one of the authorized Basalt SPO training centers and receive a certificate in Alt OS administration.

Vladimir Shumeikoa certified instructor of Bazalt SPO programs and solutions from Novosibirsk, held a master class for IT specialists and system administrators. He spoke about the features of administering the Alt family of operating systems, showed how to recover passwords and “clone” users.

“The Ministry of Digital Development of the Novosibirsk Region purchased Alt Education operating systems for schools, kindergartens, technical schools and colleges of the region in 2023. Over the past academic year, many questions have accumulated, and today teachers were able to receive qualified answers to them, learned where to go in case of difficulties. In general, the participants of the master classes have reduced anxiety associated with the transition to new unfamiliar software. We appreciate that Bazalt SPO not only distributes operating systems, but also teaches how to use them,” noted Nelya Kim, Head of the Digital Education Department at NIPKiPRO.

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IT specialists from digital education centers who have already mastered the Alt OS also held classes with their colleagues. Vyacheslav Degtyarev And Sergey Shabaldinrepresentatives of the Ordynsky and Tatarsky districts, taught how to set up school Internet (Unified Data Transmission System, UDTS) in the Alt OS. Sergey Dmukhovsky And Roman Strelnikov from the Novosibirsk region and the city of Ob demonstrated the basic rules and methods for installing additional programs in a new operating system for users.

“We are ready to offer educational organizations assistance not only in training teachers to work with our operating systems, but also in preparing students. Several laboratories for Bazalt SPO products and solutions have been opened in universities and colleges, and we help develop educational programs for them. We expect to open similar laboratories in the Novosibirsk region and further develop the academic cooperation program within the framework of our Alt Academy project,” said Oksana Neshko.


Vasundhara Mali

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