The total sales in monetary terms grew by 10% and reached 71 billion rubles. The main share in the market was occupied by PC teams, such as IRU, RASKAT and small local brands. In the premium segment, where 4CES, Thunderobot and MSI dominate, growth is also observed. This confirms the trend for both budget models and exclusive assemblies with additional capabilities.
Of individual brands, Apple and Dell were especially stood out. Apple increased sales by 2% in quantitative terms and 19% in monetary. Dell showed rapid growth – by 26% by the number of devices sold and 174% in monetary terms, which is associated with increased demand in the corporate segment.
The head of the Department of Computers and Tablets, M. Video Eldorado, Sergei Zaraysky noted several key factors that influenced the market. Firstly, a decrease in the average price attracted more buyers, especially in the PC segment. Secondly, Chinese brands strengthen their positions, offering high-quality solutions at an affordable price. Thirdly, the business sector actively updates the computer park, which is confirmed by a sharp increase in Dell sales.