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The original “Chocolate 3” that triggered the development of Black Thunder has been revived, so I tried it – GIGAZINE


To commemorate Yuraku Seika’s 30th anniversary of the release of Black Thunder,Chocolate nuts 3 (three)” appeared on Monday, September 30, 2024. Unlike Black Thunder, which has a chewy and crunchy texture, this confectionery that was popular for its light texture of three types of nuts and puffs, and became the mainstay in 1994, has undergone a revival, so you can actually try it. I saw it.

picture! ? The product that became the basis for that Black Thunder! ? “Choconuts 3” is back! | News | Yuraku Seika

This is Chocolate Nut 3.

On the package, it was written that Black Thunder was developed while pursuing a concept opposite to Choco Nuts 3.

It is said that 3.3% coconut, 1.8% almond, and 1.1% cashew nut are used.

In addition to three types of nuts, the raw materials column lists cocoa powder, cacao mass, corn puffs, wheat puffs, etc.

Calories are 95kcal per 17g bar.

This is what it looks like when you take it out of the bag.

When lined up with regular Black Thunder (left), you can see that Chocolate Nut 3 (right) is a little lighter in color and that the puff grains are clearly visible from above the chocolate.

Below is a comparison of the cross sections of chocolate bars. While Black Thunder contained biscuits and cocoa cookies, the contents of Chocolate Nut 3 were nuts and puffs.

When you take a bite, the crunchy texture and the aroma of nuts and puffed wheat spread in your mouth. In addition, the chocolate taste only plays a supporting role to enhance the flavor of nuts and puffs, and it is light and at the opposite extreme from Black Thunder, which has a strong sweetness emphasized by the bitterness of cocoa cookies and a chewy texture. It was a delicious chocolate bar.

Chocolate Nuts 3 will be sold exclusively at 100 yen shops nationwide from Monday, September 30, 2024.

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