Canada Technology

Toronto Game Expo returns this month with bigger two-day event

The Toronto Game Expo will be held on March 29 and 30 at the Ex’s Queen Elizabeth Building.

The event will feature a variety of indie game demos, free play gaming areas, over 400 vendor tables, guests like Jon St. Jon (Duke Nukem himself) and Stephanie Panisello (Claire Redfrield from 2019’s Resident Evil 2) and more.

Every hour, attendees will also be able to take part in raffles to win various gaming-related prizes. Panels featuring some of the guests, including cosplayers, will also be held — the full schedule is available on the official Toronto Game Expo website.

It’s worth noting that last year’s show was a single-day affair in November, which unfortunately coincided with the big Taylor Swift concerts in the city. (Those extra crowds led to me to steer clear of Toronto that weekend so I’m unfamiliar with how well it went, but with this year’s show being at a quieter time, I plan to check it out.)

If nothing, else, though, there are few consumer gaming events in Canada, so it’s nice to see someone trying. Single-day tickets cost $32 (increases to $37 on March 29), with a weekend pass priced at $50. VIP options, which include early admission and various swag, are also available. You can buy tickets on Toronto Game Expo’s site.

Image credit: Toronto Game Expo

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